Cloudy and in the 40's today, I'm guessing. I'm not guessing about the cloudy part, just the temperature part!
The flights were so-so. The smaller plane wasn't as crowded, so I had no one sitting next to me, so that one was good. The larger plane hadn't a single empty seat, and the armrest on my right side next to the window didn't go up, so I was taunted by 6 inches of extra space while the entire right side of my body cramped up as well as my legs. The two guys sitting next to me were polite about the fact that I am fat, and spent the flight watching "Donny Brisco" while I spent two hours trying to suck myself in. Had to get a seatbelt extender on both flights, which didn't happen on JetBlue, and that's reason enough to only fly JetBlue in the future.
Exited the wrong door at the airport and ended up walking about a half a mile outside trying to get to the bus stop. Got their in plenty of time to catch the bus, but came to realize that 5-HTP is no match for PMS and really crashed and burned.
Slept on the bus ride over here, and Nicole picked me up at the UW campus.
Love seeing the kids again, it's so amazing how much they've grown, and how smart and fun they are.
Glad to have some work from Joel to do. Designing some day planning, call list and customer interview forms as well as updating some letters so he can increase his business. He said if he sells 38 cars in a month, he'll send me a $1000 just because! :) I'm glad to do the work, even without the financial incentive though! Makes me feel productive.
Had bourbon chicken at a food court place that used to be called something else, but still served the same stuff. It was good! Their in-house chicken was even better though, but since it was breaded and fried, was definitely less healthy than the naked chicken with bourbon sauce.
They've updated the decor at East Towne Mall quite a bit since I worked there in '94. Though, that's not surprising, since you've got to keep a mall updated looking, or people won't want to shop there anymore.
I'll update more later...