Monday, August 31, 2009

Made a blog for my cousin!

Set up a blog for my cousin, who is currently in jail. Since he doesn't have internet access, he doesn't have the pleasure of writing a blog! :) So, I thought I'd help him out. He's going to write me letters, and I'll type them up on his blog! His site is here:

He is currently not allowed contact with his daughter, but if he could tell her what he's feeling, this is what he would say, it's his first blog entry:

"If I had the chance to talk to my daughter again, this is what I'd say:

I'd tell her how much I dearly love her and that I miss her more than words can say. That I am so terribly sorry for what has happened, and why we haven't been able to be together.

I promise her that when I get out, I will make things better like they used to be. I will spend the rest of my days making up to her for what all she has had to go through since we've been apart.

I'd want her to know that I have thought about her constantly, every single day, since the last time I've seen her. What has kept me going has been my memories of her and I together when she was younger, and the chance for us to be together and make new memories again someday.

I would ask her not to listen to or believe all the terrible things she has heard about me, but to trust in what she remembers of us together and what she feels in her heart: and to not let anyone change that. Remember the times we spent together, like the Chicago concert, when she got her guitar pick from the bass player. Or how much fun we used to have playing with and chasing around those nutty kittens of hers. Remember our daddy-daughter dates we would have on my days off, when I'd come have lunch with her at school, then pick her up afterward and go get ice cream and go to the park.

Remember how close we were, and how quickly she would always fall asleep in my arms, and how much she enjoyed me scratching her back and rubbing her feet.

I'd want her to know that I've never forgotten about her or abandoned her.

I would ask her to stay strong, keep smiling and like she told me years ago "not to think about the bad stuff".

To keep doing good in school, church and music, and that I am so proud of her for her hard work and being awarded "Student of the Year!".

I'd want her to always remember that I love her more than anything in this world, that I miss her so very much and that I am always thinking of her.

I'd ask her to never forget how close we were, the strong bond we had together, and to know it can and will be that way again.

Always remember that she still is, and always weill be my little girl, and I will always be her "Dee, Aye, Dee": nobody can change that.

Remember to always say her prayers; keep her faith and to stick to her nature by staying sweet, especially when those around her are sour.

I promise to make things better, and to be in her life again as soon as I can.

Remember how she felt when we were together when she was little. I still love her like that, just hang in there Sweetheart, your daddy is coming, and we will be happy again together, someday soon!

I Love You More

-Yes Way! "